Prince Henry the Navigator Meeting 2nd October

Oct 4, 2024 | Prince Henry the Navigator Lodge and Chapter

Wednesday 2nd October was a well-attended meeting of Prince Henry the Navigator Lodge which saw Bro Paulo Abrantes raised to the third degree and become a Master Mason.
The many visitors included a large party from the Yorkshire West Riding Masonic Golf Association, three members of Loja de Aperfeiçoamento de Emulação in the Grand Lodge of Portugal, and another visitor who applied that night to become a joining member of the Lodge.
The Masonic Golfers did particularly well to ‘stay the course’. Some had been up since 0430 for their flight to the Algarve.
The only downside to the evening was the air conditioning breaking down, so it was HOT. But, that did not detract in any way from everyone having a fantastic evening.
In the first picture, the newly made Master Mason, Paulo (third from right) is standing with the Worshipful Master, his two Wardens and three members of the Portuguese Lodge. In the next picture, they are joined by the golfers.
Words and photos courtesy of Martin Crago, lodge secretary.